Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My First Post

So since everyone else seems to be doing it, I decided to make a blog too; well everyone meaning many of my animation friends here at seems like a good idea.

Let me introduce myself, the name's Baylee. The girl that is probably known most for being a huge history person (as some say, I have an obsession with Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War...ok maybe that's true, hahaha), a Disney freak, and the girl with the crazy short, spikey or "poofy" hair. But then again that's me...oh and plus I'm an animator and have always wanted to be since I was 8 years old; it's nice to say i'm finally beginning to live my dream. Also I'm from Niagara Falls, NY, one of the biggest tourist destinations in the country.

I'm in my 2nd year at RIT (or the Rochester Institute of Technology, to be all techincal about it) in the School of Film and Animation. Currently I'm working on what's called my 1-quarter, which is a film made in 10 weeks. Mine is about a character I created named Sunny, who is a turtle who wants to fly after he sees a bird do so. I'm not as far as I would like to be on it at this point since it is already the middle of week 6, but then again I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist and may over exaggerate when I say I'm "behind".

Another thing I had been doing was working on my friend Noelle's senior thesis, inbetweening a few shots here and there for her. I have to say it really helped me to get a handle on how the whole animation process works and it made me feel awesome to help her. I really think I have improved in animating and I can't thank her enough.

I'm friends with alot of the animation seniors here and it's going to be really upsetting when they graduate in a few weeks but I would like to think that everything they have taught me will be put into my future animations and passed onto the underclassmen I will begin to mentor....but let's not talk about graduation, it'll begin to make me sad and I don't want that...

Oh and by the way, the reason for the "Bayleef" name of the blog is that it comes from those seniors; Bayleef tends to be my nickname in the lab where we all work, hahaha...and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way.

So the blog is basically going to be my "website" and show all of you out there, the stuff I like to do and work on; particularly this 1-quarter of mine. Below is actually my progress so far, I'm really proud of it; it's most of my key frames timed out...they probably need a bit more tweaking but all thats left after I finish keys is inbetweens...

So I think that's all for now for this post...I'll keep ya posted...stay tuned :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, talk about concentrated cuteness!

    Nice work!

  3. Baylee this is soooooo poppin!!!!! Im so proud of you lol
