Tuesday, December 27, 2011

End of the Year

Well, since it's the end of the year and I haven't updated this bad boy since March, I figured now was a good a time as any!

It has been a ridiculously busy year, personally and academically; what with entering my Senior Year of RIT in August, it literally has been a whirlwind since then. Taking the minimum amount of credits and having a lot of free time, still doesn't seem like enough time to do all that I want and need to do; especially the thesis!!!

The thesis is the main reason for this update. I am really happy with the way that everything is turning out and the way the thesis is right now. Since last April when I proposed my idea to my committee (which was a terrifying experience), my story has gone through a total of mmm, probably 4 completely different versions. Giving it to my friends and family to read throughout the summer was the best thing I could've done. I got a lot of feedback from them and made the story what it is today. Two of my really close friends will be sure to get credit for helping me the way that they did :).

My story is an educational animation; something different for the School of Film and Animation at RIT, which is exactly what I wanted. I wanted to incorporate my love of history in my animation and it was probably the best decision I could've made. The story contains two children, Beth and Jeremy, who are working on a school project about Susan B. Anthony, which Jeremy is less than thrilled about. The film is their journey through a history book visiting different events in Susan's life; thus teaching them about the differences she made for our country and why, and in the end changing Jeremy's attitude. Unfortunately I still don't have a title for the film...but I'm thinking that'll come later. :)

I spent the first 10 weeks of school in preproduction mode; storyboarding, and re-storyboarding, and re-storyboarding, drawing layouts, recording my fantastic voice actors, and putting together the animatic.

Here are some of my layouts for the film:

I am super proud of this notebook, like ahhh!!

Now, I am in full key-framing and animating mode...which is kind of crazy and the countdown has now begun in regards to when I have to have everything finished, which is a bit scary.

Here is a link to my vimeo page in order to see the animatic:

Feedback is much appreciated and if anyone has a title out there, that would also be good :)...so long for now...see ya in 2012!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


"Ask yourself LOTS of questions while you're animating...seriously, just ask yourself lots of questions"...some wise words right there from my mentor/amazing friend John. After I finished talking with him, it kept sinking in on how true those simple words really are. "Why do your hips shift your weight the way they do?" "What happens to your legs when you're walking?" All very simple things that we rarely ever think about until it comes to replicating those movements. Something I really need to learn and fix when it comes to my animation...

In terms of other progress, I'm asking more of those questions when it comes to researching for my thesis and the Douglass animation I'm doing. "What audience do I want to target with my thesis?" "What topic could be interesting to learn about in animated form?" Right now, the questions regarding that, are definitely not about the actual animation, but still crucial in how I will be animating eventually; especially in regards to style. I also have been contacting some of my old teachers and getting first hand advice on what they look for in educational films, animations, and books.

As I said before I'm looking into a Schoolhouse Rock feel/way of educating, maybe even taking something inanimate (like for example a Bill on Capitol Hill) and making it tell the story. Going off of that, I also want it to be visually entertaining and interactive. One example of this would be the "Your Friend the Rat with Emile and Remy", the Pixar short film.

One breakthrough I had with my Douglass animation is I found an animation that I thought was a nice aesthetic for what I want to achieve with it, especially visually. I really like the way that it is done and it is definitely something I will be looking at as a bit of reference when planning and animating my version of this speech. Here is that link, for those interested:


One more piece of progress I have is as I'm reading a few animation books at the moment and trying to understand perspective a little better, I am currently in a 2D animation class and had to draw and time out keys to a flour sack doing an activity, on a selection of blocks for 5 seconds. These are my timed keys as of right now:

any comments would be greatly appreciated on not only the timing of my keys but also any suggestions regarding my thesis :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Independent Study and Thesis!!

It's hard to believe that this quarter I have to propose my Senior Thesis Film! Taking my first "Senior" class this quarter (Senior Project Seminar), it's allowing me to begin to really hone in on what I want to accomplish and do with my film.

Up until about a few weeks ago I had no ideas of what I wanted to do; no story idea, no clue of where I would even start. I had heard so many people say well I've known for a while what I want to do (which right there, makes it hard to work with anyone). However after talking with one of my favorite history professors about doing an animation for him on the subject of Frederick Douglass, it all became clear...why not do an animation about the topic I love just as much as animation-history!

I'm in the beginning stages of research, not only for my Independent Study on Douglass but also for my thesis. I'm really trying to focus on making an educational animation geared toward elementary/middle school kids in the topic of history; I'm still not sure what subject yet (Revolution, Civil War, etc.) Being the kid that has always LOVED history, I want to make my film something that kids will find interesting but also teach them something in a topic that most have the attitude of:"why do we have to learn about history? it's done and over with, let's move on".

With going back to Douglass, I'm trying to figure out how "cartoony" or realistic I would like to make him. And when finding pictures like this:

and this...

it kind of makes it difficult because he definitely has distinct features...which is something I'm trying to overcome...

It's so interesting that when I had a meeting with my history Professor on Thursday, I couldn't believe how similar a speech could be to an animation. Studying Douglass' "5th of July" Speech, he has so many changes in his tone, body language, and feelings that he is expressing. I began to really think about how in animation it is so important to have your character show growth and have an evident change in things like their emotions, and body language; which is something with Douglass in particular I really want to focus on...

I'm starting to think that I'm really going to be happy in what I've chosen to do... :)
...more thesis updates soon as I continue to research...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Aww this poor thing always gets forgotten about when I get busy...however I feel an update at this point in time is necessary...

So much has happened recently. For one thing I just came back from sunny California visiting friends out there in the animation industry. One thing that I really have learned from them is you can't give up and although it may be hard, sometimes you just gotta keep with it as something better could turn up at any moment. I have so much respect for all of them and am amazed at some of the things they've been able to accomplish in such short periods of time (and I hope they know that).

Before my mini-vacation, I finished my 2-quarter film that I worked on for 20+ consecutive weeks. When I lasted posted I was discussing really diving into pre-production, and wow did that go fast. What with drawing storyboards and then not liking the direction my film was headed and redrawing all boards once again, I felt like I was finally getting somewhere. I thought I was ready to delve into the 3D process, well that is until I actually started modeling and I found myself not confident enough to take on such a huge project. 2D which has always been a little more of a comfort zone, called to me and I began my project.

The 2-quarter was definitely a learning experience to say the least. I jumped into a program I had never worked with before, but ended up loving (Toon Boom Studio) and went to work drawing with my tablet. Plus a computer disaster, (after the initial stress) actually boasted my confidence and I figured if I could get through that, I could get through anything and that included finishing my film.

Yes, at points I wish I had worked at a more efficient pace (I'll admit that) but overall the product that emerged was something I saw as different than what I had ever made before; for one thing it was fully colored. I really am proud of the piece that it became, especially more so due to the fact that this idea truly came from allowing my head to wander.

And like always there's always things that I wish I would've done differently and will make note for my next venture...as one of my best friends and mentor told me "one major thing is to be able to look at your work and separate yourself from it and critique it as if it were someone else's and find where you see it can be better."

Looking into internships for this summer I have updated my vimeo...the 2-quarter is on there entitled "Child's Play". Any feedback on anything would be greatly appreciated :)

...I'm hoping to keep up with this blog more, but for now I think that's all so I don't talk your ear off...